Outcomes - Selected Case Summaries



Statistics and causes of death relating to COVID-19 patients

Informal Resolution | 10 February 2023
Health Services Authority (HSA)

A member of the media submitted a request to the HSA for records relating to statistics and cause(s) of death of individuals listed as COVID-19 deaths. The applicant was directed to information that was already in the public domain, and other records were withheld citing the exemption relating to personal information.  

After accepting the appeal, we received the responsive records for review, a meeting with HSA was held, and we were told that other discussions were ongoing about the matter and a further response would be forthcoming. However, the HSA, in conjunction with the Ministry of Health and Wellness, maintained its stance not to disclose the records. The applicant asked for a formal hearing decision from the Ombudsman.  However, before the hearing commenced, the Deputy Solicitor General advised that a Public Health Spotlight published by the Ministry of Health and Wellness contained the requested statistical information.  The applicant was satisfied, and the appeal was withdrawn.